Lael Neale
Acquainted with Night

by Emilie Apel
Ethereal folksy indie singer songwriter is a very accurate description of what you will hear listening to this album. I can hear a heavy influence of Stevie Nicks in her voice, especially in the first track 'Blue Vein'. Most of these songs are pretty slow in tempo, 'For No One for Now' is the exception because of the pop-like beat in the background, but it is still pretty calm to listen to. She sings a lot about the uncertainty that comes with being young and having your whole life ahead of you, with some songs about loving when you're young. 'Let Me Live by the Side of the Road' embodies a familiar feeling I'm sure we've all thought about at some point in our lives. Her voice sounds beautiful with the flute in the background of 'Sliding Doors & Warm Summer Roses', the song has a great melody to it. Reminds me of Amelia Meath's (from Sylvan Esso) less well-known band Mountain Man.
Ethereal folksy indie singer songwriter is a very accurate description of what you will hear listening to this album. I can hear a heavy influence of Stevie Nicks in her voice, especially in the first track 'Blue Vein'. Most of these songs are pretty slow in tempo, 'For No One for Now' is the exception because of the pop-like beat in the background, but it is still pretty calm to listen to. She sings a lot about the uncertainty that comes with being young and having your whole life ahead of you, with some songs about loving when you're young. 'Let Me Live by the Side of the Road' embodies a familiar feeling I'm sure we've all thought about at some point in our lives. Her voice sounds beautiful with the flute in the background of 'Sliding Doors & Warm Summer Roses', the song has a great melody to it. Reminds me of Amelia Meath's (from Sylvan Esso) less well-known band Mountain Man.